Prostate artery embolisation
Fig 1a
DSA with micro-catheter placed Super-selectively into the left prostate artery.
Contrast enhancement of the left hemi-prostate.

Prostate artery embolisation
Fig 1b
Dyna-CT study during left prostate artery injection enhances the left hemi-prostate on this 3mm thick CT-like image. No rectal enhancement.

National and International Guidelines

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE) . Prostate artery embolisation for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Interventional procedures guidance [IPG611]. Published April 2018. Click here

EAU Guidelines on Management of Non-Neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), incl. Benign Prostatic Obstruction (BPO)
S. Gravas (Chair), J.N. Cornu, M. Gacci, C. Gratzke, T.R.W. Herrmann, C. Mamoulakis, M. Rieken, M.J. Speakman, K.A.O. Tikkinen Guidelines Associates: M. Karavitakis, I. Kyriazis, S. Malde, V. Sakalis, R. Umbach. Published 2019. Click here

Papers: Clinical investigation arterial interventions

Technical and Imaging Outcomes from the UK Registry of Prostate Artery Embolization (UK-ROPE) Study: Focusing on Predictors of Clinical Success. Hacking, N., Vigneswaran, G., Maclean, D. et al. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (2019). May: 42(5):666-676. Click here

CIRSE Standards of Practice on Prostatic Artery Embolisation. Cornelius FH, Bilhim T, Hacking CN, Sapoval M, Tapping C, Carnevale FC. Cardiovasc Interventional Radiology. 2019. Click here

Does Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) Improve Voiding Symptoms, Storage Symptoms, or Both?  Maclean D, Kong M, Lim J, Modi S, Harris M, Bryant T, Hacking N. August 2019 Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2020. Vol 43:23–28. Click here

The First 48 Consecutive Patients with 3-Year Symptom Score Follow-Up Post-Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) at a Single-Centre University Hospital. Maclean D, Harris M, Long J, Modi S, Bryant T, Hacking N. Cardiovasc Interventional Radiology. 2020.  Vol 43, pages 459–465. Click here

The UK ROPE Study: efficacy and safety of prostate artery embolisation for benign prostatic hyperplasia. An observational study and propensity matched comparison with transurethral resection of the prostate. Ray AF, Powell J, Speakman MJ, et al. BJU Int. 2018;122: 270-282. doi:10.1111/bju.14249. Click here

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Prostatic Arterial Embolization vs Transurethral Resection of the Prostate- A Prospective Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial. Gao Y, Huang Y, Zhang, R et al. Radiology. Volume 270: Number 3—March 2014 Click here

Medium- and long-term outcome of prostate artery embolization for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: results in 630 patients. J Vasc Interv Radiol. Pisco JM, Bilhim T, Pinheiro LC, et al. 2016;27:1115-1112. Click here

The “PErFecTED technique”: proximal embolization first, then embolize distal for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. Carnevale FC, Moreira AM, Antunes AA. 2014;37:1602-1605. Click here

Comparison of prostatic artery embolisation (PAE) versus transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for benign prostatic hyperplasia: randomised, open label, non-inferiority trial. Abt D, Hechelhammer L, et al. BMJ 2018: 361. Click here

Randomised Clinical trial of Prostatic Artery Embolisation versus a Sham Procedure for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. JM Pisco et al. Click here

Society of Interventional Radiology Multi-society Consensus Position Statement on Prostatic Artery Embolization for Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Attributed to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: From the Society of Interventional Radiology, the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, Société Française de Radiologie, and the British Society of Interventional Radiology. Click here

Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) for bladder outflow obstruction: Results of the first UK prospective study. J Dyer, M. Harris, T Bryant, N Hacking. BJUI June 2014

Prostate Artery Embolisation (PAE) for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BK Somani, N Hacking, T Bryant, J Coyne, D Flowers,, M Harris, J Dyer. BJU International Vol 114, Issue 5 pp 639-640, Nov 2014. Click here

Prostate Artery Embolization: A new, minimally invasive treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to prostatic enlargement. D MacLean, B Maher, S Modi, M Harris, J Dyer, B Somani, N Hacking, T Bryant. Therapeutics Advances in Urology. 9(8): 209-216. Aug 2017.  Click here

Planning prostate artery embolisation: Is it essential to perform a pre-procedural CTA? Drew Maclean, Ben Maher, Mark Harris, Jonathan Dyer, Sachin Modi, Nigel Hacking and Timothy Bryant.  CVIR Nov 2017.  Click here